Peevish's twentieth performance, July 9, 2003,
411, Portland, Oregon. With Bryan Eubanks, solo soprano saxophone.
A Man, a Plan, a Canal: Erie
Craig, Steve, Taylor, Wilson - singing
Sing along with peevish
Taylor, Craig - square dancing, wrestling, movements, behaviors
Steve - baritone sax, calling out
Wilson - synth, calling out
A Cool Thing for the Warriors: Kiss and Wear Makeup
Wilson - dancing, movements, behaviors, vocals, bull-horn
Taylor - flute, vocals
Craig - clarinet, vocals
Steve - baritone sax, vocals
This roasted chestnut was capped with a rousing all-vocal finale.
That the Breakfast Burrito Fell Through the Sky Table and We Nuzzled Alone That Time?
Steve - storytelling
Wilson - bells
Taylor - flute
Craig - clarinet
Steve is not with the band.
Macro Game 004 - Pressure
Each piece in this performance was planned onstage in sixty seconds
as counted off by members of the sexy and intelligent audience.